São Ville: A Modern Approach to Agricultural Management

Simplifying the Tractor's Cockpit with a Tablet Interface

When it comes to agricultural production, tractors take a central, indispensable position, because of their multitasking abilities. They work with many different additional periphery tools and machines, that can be connected to them. As result these add-ons have led to heavily overloaded cockpits with lots of buttons and levers, most of them not as intuitive and ergonomic as they should be. On the other side technological development in the area of smart phones and tablets has made us almost equally productive in the office and while on the go. These have long grown out of the gadget niche, today taking a key role in helping us manage daily tasks or controlling specific peripheral machines and tools, in many different areas.

The São Ville design study, created by designer Stefan Radev, offers a sophisticated approach to modern agricultural management by simplifying the tractor's cockpit. The design applies a cost-effective, simple-to-operate, upgradeable interface in the form of a tablet. This tablet interface provides an easy-to-access and rich-in-functions platform for the operator, which would otherwise be difficult to implement. Additionally, the tablet allows for full overview and management of the crop through specific agricultural applications installed on the device, enabling wireless communication with a central office.

The São Ville tractor stands out from others in its field due to its unique properties and strengths. By utilizing a tablet interface, the cockpit is streamlined, reducing the clutter of buttons and levers. This not only improves the overall aesthetic but also enhances the tractor's usability and ergonomics. The tablet platform also allows for cost-effective updates to the tractor's functions, ensuring that it remains up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

The interaction with the São Ville tractor is intuitive and user-friendly. The operator can control the peripheral tools of the tractor through the touch screen tablet, as well as manage and oversee the crop using installed agricultural applications. The tablet-equipped cockpit also enables the transmission of relevant crop data wirelessly to a remote office and helps the user navigate the field through global positioning applications.

The São Ville tractor's exterior is made using a combination of pattern perforated sheet metal, thermo-molded plastics, and fiberglass, among other materials. This contemporary design approach reflects the technological progress and resulting higher productivity, as well as the better usability achieved through the integration of modern technology like a tablet computer.

The São Ville project, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, from May 2013 to November 2013, faced several challenges. The most significant hurdle was simplifying and improving a classic machine that is deeply rooted in a traditional and conservative field. However, by defining a modern yet contemporary style for both the exterior and interior, the design successfully embodies the technological progress and higher productivity associated with modern agriculture.

The São Ville design study has received recognition for its excellence and innovation. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in the Heavy Machinery Design category in 2014. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. The São Ville tractor, with its strong technical characteristics and splendid design, introduces positive feelings of amazement and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Stefan Radev
Image Credits: Stefan Radev
Project Team Members: Stefan Radev
Project Name: Sao Ville
Project Client: Stefan Radev

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